
Junior EIFA

Early Years

Our Pre-Nursery class is for our youngest learners (from 2 years old).  Our specially tailored programme provides a warm, caring and stimulating environment where children can begin their educational journey through play, discovery and gentle guidance.

Children in the Nursery and Reception classes study a bespoke curriculum designed by the Director of Studies – Early Years, to meet the goals of both the French and UK Early Years curricula. The curriculum is delivered in French and English. Children are taught in English and French on alternate days so that half of the input is received in each language over a two-week period. In line with the French curriculum, children have afternoon naps/periods of quiet relaxation and after lunchtime, play in the park. 

The curriculum in the Early Years focuses on the three prime areas of learning most essential for children’s readiness for future learning and healthy development: Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal Social and Emotional Development. Four specific areas of learning which build on the prime areas are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design

Year 1 is considered part of the Early Years (Maternelle) Stage in the French system. At EIFA, pupils follow the French curriculum from this year except for English Literacy, where pupils broadly follow the British curriculum. Each class has both a native English-speaking and a native French-speaking teacher, who are responsible for teaching English and French literacy, Mathematics, Discovering the World (Science, History, Geography topics) and ICT.

All subjects are taught in both French and English. Teachers are supported by teaching assistants in every class. Subject specialist teachers deliver lessons in Music and PE teaching in either English or French. 

Weekly outdoor learning sessions continue. Positive relationships are promoted through our Personal and Social Health, Economic Education ( PSHE ) curriculum, pupils are taught how to show and treat others with respect and how to help themselves and others when they are upset. They are encouraged to respect and show tolerance to those of different faiths and creeds.

Junior Years

Pupils have a broad and balanced curriculum with plentiful opportunities for active and personalised learning, both independently and collaboratively. Pupils learn the following subjects in either English or French or sometimes in both languages: English Literacy, French Literacy, Science, Maths, History, Geography, Art, Music, Dance, and Drama Clubs, PSHE , and PE. 

The syllabus for each academic subject is planned in accordance with the French National Curriculum with the exception of English Literacy which is taught in line with the British National Curriculum.

Each class has both an English-speaking and a French-speaking teacher who are responsible for teaching most English and French literacy, Mathematics, Discovering the World (Science, History, Geography topics) and ICT. The teachers take charge of the class for an equal amount of time over a two-week period meaning all subjects are taught in both French and English. 

In Year 2, teachers are supported by teaching assistants.

In Year 5 and Year 6, History, Science and Geography are taught as discrete subjects. Subject specialist teachers deliver lessons in Art, Music and PE. Outdoor Learning continues in Year 2. Class sizes are capped at 20 and are usually closer to 15. 

In the Junior School, subjects are often taught in cross-curricular manner with, for example, work in Art supporting topics studied in Science, Geography, History and Literacy. The Junior School also participates in whole-school events such as: Semaine de la presse (Media Week), World Poetry Day, International week, web-radio broadcasts, World Book Day and Tolerance Day. There is a full programme of day trips for each class to support the curriculum and the older pupils also participate in residential trips.British